Oxytetracycline: Terramycin 250, 500 mg cap, 50 mg/ml in 10 vials inj; 3% skin ointment.
Tetracycline: Achromycin, Hostacycline, Restsclin 250, 500 mg cap; 3% skin ointment.
Doxycycline: Tetradox, Biodoxi, Doxt, Novadox 100 mg cap.
They inhibit protein synthesis by binding to 30S ribosome by interfering with attachment
of aminoacyl-t-RNA to mRNA- ribosome complex.Thus preventing peptide bond formation.
- In the initial treatment of mixed infections.
First choice of drugs in treatment of
- Veneral diseases.
- Atypical pneumonia.
- Cholera.
- Brucellosis.
- Plague.
- Borrelia recurrentis.
- Rickettsial infections.
Second choice of drugs in the treatment of:
- Penicillin for tetanus, anthrax and listeria infections.
- Ciprofloxacin for gonorrhoea.
- Ceftriaxone for syphilis.
- Azithromycin for chlamydial infections.
It can also be used in
- Urinary tract infection.
- Community acquired pneumonia.
- Prophylactic use in chronic lung disease.
- Tetracycline should not be used in pregnancy.
- Avoid in patients in diuretics.
- Cautiously used in renal and hepatic insufficiency.
Teeth and bones
Tetracycline has chelating property. They bind to calcium and get deposited in developing
teeth and bone.
Given from mid-pregnancy to 5 months of intrauterine life the deciduous teeth are
affected i.e. brown discolouration and ill formed teeth, more susceptible to caries.
- Given from 3 months to 6 years it can affect the permanent teeth.
- Tetracyline can cause temporary depression of the bone marrow.
A sun burn like or other severe skin reaction on exposed parts may be seen in few
Liver damage
Fatty infiltration of liver and jaundice can be seen occasionally.
Kidney damage
It is prominent in pre-existing kidney disease.
Anti anabolic effect
Tetracycline reduce protein synthesis and has an overall catabolic effect.
They inhibit protein synthesis by binding to 30S ribosome by interfering with attachment
of aminoacyl-t-RNA to mRNA- ribosome complex. Thus preventing peptide bond formation.
- Enteric fever.
- H.Influenza meningitis, Anaerobic infections.
Bone Marrow Depression: This drug is the most common cause of aplastic anaemia,
agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia.
Non-dose related Idiosyncratic type: It is a serious type of reaction seen rarely
but is fatal. Aplastic anaemia is the common manifestation.
Dose and duration of therapy related Myelosupression: It is a direct toxic effect.
This is often reversible with out long term effects.
- Hypersensitivity reaction: Rashes, fever, atrophic glossitis, angioedema are infrequent.
- Irritative effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea.
- Superinfections.
Gray-Baby syndrome: It occurred when high doses (100mg/kg) were given prophylactically
to neonates. The baby stopped feeding, vomited, became hypotonic and hypothermic,
respiration became irregular; an ashen gray cyanosis developed.