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Tetracyclines and Chloramphenicol

Generic Name: Tetracycline

Brand Name

Oxytetracycline: Terramycin 250, 500 mg cap, 50 mg/ml in 10 vials inj; 3% skin ointment.

Tetracycline: Achromycin, Hostacycline, Restsclin 250, 500 mg cap; 3% skin ointment.

Doxycycline: Tetradox, Biodoxi, Doxt, Novadox 100 mg cap.

Mechanism of action

They inhibit protein synthesis by binding to 30S ribosome by interfering with attachment of aminoacyl-t-RNA to mRNA- ribosome complex.Thus preventing peptide bond formation.


  • In the initial treatment of mixed infections.
  • First choice of drugs in treatment of
    • Veneral diseases.
    • Atypical pneumonia.
    • Cholera.
    • Brucellosis.
    • Plague.
    • Borrelia recurrentis.
    • Rickettsial infections.
  • Second choice of drugs in the treatment of:
    • Penicillin for tetanus, anthrax and listeria infections.
    • Ciprofloxacin for gonorrhoea.
    • Ceftriaxone for syphilis.
    • Azithromycin for chlamydial infections.
  • It can also be used in
    • Urinary tract infection.
    • Community acquired pneumonia.
    • Prophylactic use in chronic lung disease.


  • Tetracycline should not be used in pregnancy.
  • Avoid in patients in diuretics.
  • Cautiously used in renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Adverse effects

  • Teeth and bones
    • Tetracycline has chelating property. They bind to calcium and get deposited in developing teeth and bone.
    • Given from mid-pregnancy to 5 months of intrauterine life the deciduous teeth are affected i.e. brown discolouration and ill formed teeth, more susceptible to caries.
    • Given from 3 months to 6 years it can affect the permanent teeth.
    • Tetracyline can cause temporary depression of the bone marrow.
  • Phototoxicity
    A sun burn like or other severe skin reaction on exposed parts may be seen in few cases
  • Liver damage
    Fatty infiltration of liver and jaundice can be seen occasionally.
  • Kidney damage
    It is prominent in pre-existing kidney disease.
  • Anti anabolic effect
    Tetracycline reduce protein synthesis and has an overall catabolic effect.

Generic name: Chloramphenicol

Mechanism of Action

They inhibit protein synthesis by binding to 30S ribosome by interfering with attachment of aminoacyl-t-RNA to mRNA- ribosome complex. Thus preventing peptide bond formation.


  • Enteric fever.
  • H.Influenza meningitis, Anaerobic infections.

Adverse Effects

  • Bone Marrow Depression: This drug is the most common cause of aplastic anaemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia.

Two forms of reaction are

Non-dose related Idiosyncratic type: It is a serious type of reaction seen rarely but is fatal. Aplastic anaemia is the common manifestation.

Dose and duration of therapy related Myelosupression: It is a direct toxic effect. This is often reversible with out long term effects.

  • Hypersensitivity reaction: Rashes, fever, atrophic glossitis, angioedema are infrequent.
  • Irritative effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea.
  • Superinfections.
  • Gray-Baby syndrome: It occurred when high doses (100mg/kg) were given prophylactically to neonates. The baby stopped feeding, vomited, became hypotonic and hypothermic, respiration became irregular; an ashen gray cyanosis developed.
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