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Bad Breath

Bad breath referred to as halitosis, is an unpleasant odour of the breath. Most adults experience this occasionally and it can have a significant impact on a person's social and professional life. The most frequent cause of breath odour is related to poor conditions in the mouth. There are some causes of bad breath that originate in the stomach and digestive system, but these are rare. Some oral bacteria produce sulfur compounds as waste and it is primarily this bacterial waste that causes bad breath odour.


Bad breath is caused by the decay of food particles that are not removed from the mouth by brushing and flossing. Oral bacteria use these particles as food and they produce waste that in many instances are compounds of sulfur. This is what produces the foul odour. In some cases, it can be caused by issues in the stomach and digestive system. If your bad breath is chronic, you may need to seek help from your dentist to properly diagnose the origin of the problem.

In some cases, the oral care products can cause bad breath. Chemical additives in toothpaste like sodium lauryl sulfate and alcohol in mouthwash are drying agents. When the mouth is dry, it becomes a breeding ground for harmful types of bacteria that can produce more sulfuric compounds and cause or worsen bad breath

Other reasons for bad breath are infections of the sinus or lungs, Diabetes mellitus (acetone odour in breath), kidney failure (fishy odour), liver malfunction, metabolism disorder, fasting (devoid of food, the body breaks down the fat and protein reserves resulting in release of bad odour from the reaction).

Quick Remedies

  • Get proper treatment for periodontal disease.
  • Get rid of infections by scaling, polishing or impacted teeth
  • Get treated for any underlying systemic disease.

Prevent bad breath - in 3 simple steps

Brush twice a day in the morning and evening.

Floss every evening before brushing - more frequently as needed. Get any food particles out from between teeth.

Use a mouthwash twice a day: morning and evening. Just put 2-5 drops into an ounce of water, swish and gargle. This is important to kill the bacteria in the entire mouth including the back of the tongue. This will kill the bacteria and keep breath fresh.

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