The oral disorder caused from insufficient supply of saliva in mouth is termed as Dry Mouth or Xerostomia. Dry mouth can be more than just a dry or parched sensation in the mouth. It is a symptom of a preexisting condition or leads to various other forms of oral infection and disease.
Dryness of the mouth is a result of a decreased or inhibited flow of saliva. Though you may not realize it, saliva plays a prominent role in your oral and overall health. Harmful forms of bacteria in the mouth (called anaerobic, literally meaning "without air) thrive and multiply at a much higher rate in environments with less oxygen. Saliva, being highly concentrated in oxygen, helps to kill these bacteria and wash them away. Without this natural bacteria inhibitor present, bacteria can quickly grow out of control and wreak havoc on your oral health.
Having a dry mouth is just the beginning. When the mouth is persistently dry, it can lead to gum infections and more serious conditions like gingivitis and periodontal disease- which has now been linked to other health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
Signs of dry mouth are saliva that seems thick or stringy, sores or split skin at the corners of the mouth, cracked lips, bad breath, difficulty speaking or swallowing, sore throat, altered sense of taste, fungal infection of the mouth and lastly increased plaque, tooth decay and gum disease
Increase water intake. Sugarless lemon drops are known to temporarily stimulate saliva production. Treatments include intake of saliva substitutes or saliva stimulators.