Post antibiotics course, chemotherapy or other immuno compromising medications;
Any serious systemic illness;
Strep throat.
Take an analgesic to reduce inflammation; aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen for
an adult, or acetaminophen or ibuprofen for children, as recommended by your doctor.
Suck throat lozenges especially those containing menthol, benzocaine or phenol,
which numbs the throat. Zinc lozenges may also be helpful. Children should suck
on cough drops or hard candy.
Gargle with mint mouthwash or salt water.
Spray a throat spray containing numbing agents into the back of your throat, if
you're an adult.
Brush your tongue. Sometimes, removing the buildup on your tongue can lessen the
soreness in your throat.
Rinse your toothbrush in mouthwash between brushings to kill bacteria.
Add moisture to your environment with a humidifier or vaporizer, or sit in a steamy
shower or bath.
Eat soft or liquid foods, especially sherbets and chicken broth.
Home Remedies for Sore Throat
Gargle with warm salt water is also very beneficial for the treatment of sore throat
A well known herbal remedy is the intake of ajwain or the bishop weed. It can treat
the problem of sore throat immediately. Patient should take teaspoon of ajwain,
a pinch of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle with it. It is very effective
as it is very helpful in curing sore throat problems.
Water boiled with basil leaves should be taken as a drink, and also used as a gargle
to relieve a sore throat.
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